The primary Zones tab is where users create, manage, and organize zone signaling information assigned to subscriber accounts within Matrix. This documentation provides users with a brief overview of the available tabs and options found under the Zones tab.
The Zones sub-tab is where users create and manage account zones. This documentation instructs users on how to use the available options to add and edit zones assigned to subscriber accounts.
The Areas sub-tab is where users create and manage areas. This documentation instructs users on how to use the available options to add and edit areas assigned to subscriber accounts.
The Delay Signal by Type sub-tab is where users configure system parameters where signals are delayed prior to being system or operator handled. Delaying signals allows users to account for the time delay between receiving a signal and its restore/cancel/open/close counterpart.
The App Service Action by Type sub-tab is where users assign information to display when operators handle specific alarm types. This documentation instructs users on how to assign URLs or files to display for specific alarm types.
The Notify by Zone Type sub-tab is where users configure the system to email contacts when specific alarms are received. This documentation instructs users on how to configure these notifications to send accordingly.
The Custom Chart Codes sub-tab is where users can override existing codes in the system with new codes for the subscriber. This documentation instructs users on how to override signals to deliver to monitoring as alternate signals on the subscriber.