The Other tab contains subtabs used to define and manage miscellaneous notification settings on the subscriber. This documentation briefly defines each tab and its function.
The Am Notify tab is used to configure the settings of when the system will notify operators and/or contacts of activity on the account during a specified timeframe. This documentation instructs users on how to manage AM Notify settings.
The Event Description tab is used to override system generated event default descriptions. This documentation instructs users on how to manage default description overrides and how the new events are handled within the system.
The False Alarm Entry tab is used to assign maximum number of uses during a timeframe to alarm resolution codes. This prevents operators from using certain codes too often within a given timeframe. This documentation instructs users on how to configure false alarm entries.
The Fax/Email tab is used to configure automated faxed and emailed reports. This documentation instructs users on how to use the available settings to configure faxed and emailed reports to deliver to contacts.
The Notify By Email Type Tab is used to create email parameters for emails sent from the system. This documentation instructs users on how to create and manage email parameters.
The Partitioning tab is used to define signaling information that should be received on a separate account from the subscriber currently being viewed. This documentation instructs users on how to manage account partitions.